Keagen Miller ,Web Administrator



I have always wondered about the paranormal for as long as I can remember
back. There has always been so many weird things that happened to me in my
lifetime that had me questioning the reasons in scientific and paranormal
terms. I have always had an open mind to Alien life, always believed we
were not alone in the universe and and feel I was born with special alien like gifts.

Currently I am working and volunteering my time with
Springfield Paranormal Research Group in an effort to better educate myself
with all areas of the Paranormal. Because of past events in my life
surrounding paranormal activity, It had lead me to search out a group of
people with a similar interest on a variety of topics.

There is nothing that I don't believe in when were talking about the
existence of Ghosts, Alien life, Spirits or what have you. We don't have
the evidence to prove or disprove anything at this day in age. It is my
hope to help expose and document truths about paranormal activity with
SPRG and as well my own Paranormal Centre.

As Web-Admin to the group, please feel free to contact me for technical
issues or if interested in chatting about anything paranormal, or my own
special gifts.

(Note from SPRG Founder John Harris)

I met Keagen in early 2005 when I opened a chat room in pal talk.
Since then he has been one of my best friends. For him living
2200.00 miles away he has been a great asset to my group.

He has helped in research ,setting up the web server ,web site ,chat room
and email. He helps in keeping every thing runing smooth. Not bad for
being 34 hours away.
