Springfield Paranormal Research Group



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A History into the Scientific Realm of the Afterlife.

"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to
weigh and consider."

Sir Francis Bacon

From the late nineteenth century until to-day there have been groups of prominent, well-
respected scientists — many of them the best-known names in science — who have
worked to prove that immortality is a natural physical phenomenon and its study is a
branch of physics.

Although belief and communications with the afterlife have been around since the beginning of humanity, the brilliant scientists mentioned here were among the very first to
scientifically investigate the afterlife. Initially being open-minded skeptics, it was only after
thorough investigation that they accepted the afterlife. There were other world renowned
classical scientists and thinkers around the world such as
Alfred Wallace, Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, Sir Phillip Lodge, Arthur Findlay, Camille Flammarion, Dr. Baraduc,
Professor Richet, Marconi, F.W. Myers, Professor William James and Dr. Carrington

to name a few, who after investigation, accepted the afterlife.

Emmanuel Swedenborg, who was born in Sweden in 1688, was one of the leading
scientists of his day, he wrote 150 works in seventeen sciences. At the University of
Uppsala he studied Latin, Greek, several European and Oriental languages, geology,
metallurgy, astronomy, mathematics, and economics. He invented the glider, the submarine and an ear trumpet for the deaf. He was held in high esteem by all, was a Member of Parliament and held important government posts in mining.

Swedenborg was also a very highly gifted clairvoyant who spent more than twenty years
investigating other dimensions. He claimed that he regularly spoke with people after they
had died. On one well-documented occasion the Queen of Sweden sarcastically suggested
that if he ever met her dead brother to give him her regards. A week later, Swedenborg
whispered a message in the Queen's ear. Shaken the Queen told those around her 'Only
God and my brother can know what he just told me' (Inglis 1977:131).

*In England one of the founders of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was
William Crookes
, a Fellow of the Royal Society — a very prestigious association of the
most learned scientists elected by their peers — and later it’s President. He discovered
six chemical elements including Thallium. Crookes worked extensively investigating levitation phenomena which were associated with the medium D.D. Home. Conclusive photographs were a part of this record and the authenticity of the appearances, as well as the total absence of fraud and trickery, were verified by a number of other leading scientists of the day. One of these was
Cromwell F. Varley, an early researcher into ionization and supervisor of the initial laying of the Atlantic Cable.

Thomas Alva Edison.; the American inventor of the phonograph and the first electric light
bulb was a spiritualist who experimented with mechanical means of contacting the 'dead'
(Scientific American, 30/10/1920).
John Logie Baird television pioneer and inventor of the
infra-red camera stated that he had contacted the 'deceased' Thomas A. Edison through a

*Another investigator was
Dr. Glen Hamilton., a physician and member of the Canadian
Parliament. In his laboratory under strictly controlled conditions he had a battery of fourteen electronically controlled flash cameras which photographed apparitions simultaneously from all angles. Observers present at his experiments included four other medical doctors, two lawyers, and both an electrical and civil engineer. Each of the witnesses stated strongly and unequivocally that 'time after time, I saw dead persons materialize.' (Hamilton 1942). Meticulous records of his research and his collection of photographs are regarded as an important part of Canada’s archives and are on public display at the University of Manitoba, Canada.

*The greatest psychiatrist of them all -
Sigmund Freud in his dying moments said that if he had his life to live over again he would study parapsychology. Internationally known and powerfully influential psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung admitted that metapsychic phenomena could be better explained by the spirit hypothesis than by any other (Jung, Collected Letters 1: 431).

*An American scientist and inventor who after investigating became totally convinced of the existence of the afterlife was
George Meek. At the age of 60 George Meek retired
from his career as an inventor, designer and manufacturer of devices for air conditioning
and treatment of waste water. He held scores of industrial patents which enabled him to live comfortably and devote the next twenty five years of his life to self-funded full-time
research into life after death.

Modern physics now teaches that atoms are 99.99999% empty space- the distance
between an electron and its nucleus being as great proportionally as the distance from the
earth to the sun. And even electrons, protons and neutrons, the particles which make up
atoms, are now thought to be energy rather than matter.

“The advancement of quantum physics has produced a description of reality which allows
the existence of parallel universes. Composed of real substances they would not interact
with matter from our own universe.”
Michael Scott-Astrophsicist- of Edinburgh University

Fred Alan Wolf seems to concur with these findings. In his book The Spiritual
Universe: How Quantum Physics Proves the Existence of the Soul he states:
“as fantastic as it sounds, the new physics called quantum mechanics posits that there
exists, side by side with this world, another world, a parallel universe, a duplicate copy that
is somehow slightly different yet the same. And not just two parallel worlds, but three,
four or even more! In each of these universes, you, I and all the others who live, have lived, will live, and will ever have lived, are alive!” (Wolf 1996).

There is undeniable scientific evidence to present day for the afterlife. Many different sources of evidence and description exist for the existence of an afterlife. When the best are assembled, they provide mutually-reinforcing evidence which results in a comprehensive and believable picture of the afterlife.

The evidence from many scientists regarding the existence of the afterlife is overwhelming.
There is not one scientist who has proven that the afterlife does not exist.

Information collected by Jennifer.

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